Health and Well Being

Global News

Added on: 09/26/2019
A transgender man from Kent who gave birth with the help of fertility treatment cannot be registered as his child’s father, the most senior family judge in…

Global News

Added on: 09/25/2019
The French parliament debated a draft law Tuesday to extend fertility treatment to lesbian and single women, a move set to spark bitter opposition from conservatives and…

Global News

Added on: 09/25/2019
The New York City Council is going to repeal its a ban on gay conversion therapy over concern the Supreme Court could end up reversing the law….

Global News

Added on: 09/23/2019
“It has been my inner turmoil for the last two years, but today I want to be honest. The rumours that you’ve heard out there about me…

Global News

Added on: 09/22/2019
Senator Elizabeth Warren, D-MA., was the penultimate speaker at Friday night’s forum focused on LGBTQ issues, and took the stage with a powerful opening statement. “If elected…

Global News

Added on: 09/21/2019
A district court judge in Alabama has dismissed a lawsuit against the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) that sought to keep the organization from labeling a Christian…

Global News

Added on: 09/19/2019
Bianka Rodríguez was leaving a San Salvador shopping centre when a man with a gun came up and forced her into his car. He proceeded to drive…

Global News

Added on: 09/19/2019
Homophobia and a “Soviet hangover” are driving HIV infections in parts of Eastern Europe and Central Asia, according to David Furnish, AIDS campaigner and Sir Elton John’s…

Global News

Added on: 09/18/2019
With a bag of condoms and a stack of business cards, Tamika Spellman began a route she knew by heart, peering out the window of her Lincoln…

Global News

Added on: 09/17/2019
Gay Christians are being sent to ‘conversion therapy’, an outdated form of ‘counselling’ which teaches homosexuality is a form of ‘brokenness’, it has been revealed. An explosive…

Global News

Added on: 09/17/2019
Jamaica has recorded the most incidents of human rights violation when compared to its Caribbean neighbours. According to the regional civil society-led human rights reporting mechanism, the…

Global News

Added on: 09/14/2019
A surge in “chemsex” parties, where some people spend days getting high on drugs and having sex with scores of partners, is refuelling epidemics of HIV among…

Global News

Added on: 09/13/2019
The City Council is moving to repeal a ban on conversion therapy to avoid fallout from a pending lawsuit that advocates and lawmakers fear could curtail LGBT…

Global News

Added on: 09/12/2019
The political opposition in Brazil on Wednesday said the government of President Jair Bolsonaro was failing to stop violent attacks on women and LGBT+ people that have…

Global News

Added on: 09/12/2019
The number of homophobic hate crimes reported to police have more than doubled in the past five years – yet only 8% result in prosecutions, figures show….

Global News

Added on: 09/12/2019
Local LGBT and LGBT-friendly organizations are joining forces to get much-needed funds and supplies to LGBT Bahamians whose lives were upended after Hurricane Dorian. Thousands of residents…

Global News

Added on: 09/11/2019
In order to create greater inter-regional collaboration to end HIV/AIDS by 2030, people must set aside their biases, stigmas and phobias to create an inclusive environment that…

Global News

Added on: 09/10/2019
Months after Kenya Cuevas’ friend was killed in front of her, a funeral wreath with Cuevas’ name on it arrived at her doorstep. The implication was clear:…

Global News

Added on: 09/09/2019
A group affiliated with Ethiopia’s Orthodox Church is condemning what it calls the government’s silence on homosexuality in the country. Speaking at a conference Sunday in Addis…

Global News

Added on: 09/09/2019
A gay couple in Beijing recently made national headlines when they became the first same-sex couple to become each other’s legal guardian. The option – which allows…

Global News

Added on: 09/09/2019
09/08/2019, a trusted resource for LGBT travelers for over two decades, is leading the way by encouraging concerned travelers to participate in an online donation effort focused…

Global News

Added on: 09/09/2019
The attack broke Lauren Jackson’s bones but not her spirit. “Thankfully, I’m still alive. Thankfully, the injuries weren’t worse,” she told The Oregonian/OregonLive. Jackson, a transgender woman,…

Global News

Added on: 09/07/2019
For two decades, McKrae Game was a top-tier figure among ex-gay Christians and a leading advocate for conversion therapy, a counseling practice with the goal of helping…

Global News

Added on: 09/05/2019
Around one in two gay men fear coming out to their loved ones in Hong Kong, a damning study has revealed. Against rapidly climbing HIV diagnoses and…

Global News

Added on: 09/05/2019
A first-of-its-kind report documenting conversion therapy around the world highlights the pervasiveness of the practice. The 73-page report, “Harmful Treatment: The Global Reach of So-Called Conversion Therapy,”…

Global News

Added on: 09/04/2019
The South Carolina-based founder of one of the nation’s largest “gay conversion” programs issued a formal apology for his role in the discredited movement this weekend ―…

Global News

Added on: 09/04/2019
When Tokyo hosts the 2020 Summer Olympics, there will likely be a record number of out LGBTQ athletes competing in the Games. Not only that, it could…

Global News

Added on: 09/04/2019
Transgender women in Lebanon face systemic violence and discrimination, Human Rights Watch, Helem, and MOSAIC said in a report and video released today. Transgender women face discrimination…

Global News

Added on: 09/03/2019
On Oct. 8, the High Court is set to hear three landmark LGBTQ workplace-discrimination cases. They are as intensely personal as they are political. Until 2012, Aimee…

Global News

Added on: 09/03/2019
UK Lesbian and Gay Immigration Group have launched an important new campaign. The organisation’s first national social media campaign #LendYourVoice aims to raise awareness around the discrimination…