Culture Religion and Politics

Global News

Added on: 08/26/2023
Gay Games Hong Kong (GGHK) must be conducted in a “lawful, safe and orderly manner” whether or not events are held in public or private venues, the…

Global News

Added on: 08/26/2023
August 28 will mark the 60th anniversary of the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom. During that march, Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. declared his…

Global News

Added on: 08/26/2023
Days after Iraq banned the use of the words ‘homosexuality’ and ‘gender’, the country’s Parliament is considering a new anti-LGBTQI Bill that imposes the death penalty for…

Global News

Added on: 08/24/2023
Maya Gurung and Surendra Pandey were poised to create history. Maya is a transgender woman but has not changed her gender on official documents. Her partner Surendra…

Global News

Added on: 08/24/2023
(Beirut) – The Iraqi government should immediately withdraw a proposed law currently before parliament that would impose the death penalty for same-sex conduct and imprisonment for transgender expression, Human Rights…

Global News

Added on: 08/24/2023
A general at the top of Italy’s armed forces bashed gay people in a recent publication. But LGBTQ+ activists and officers tell Euronews that, despite ongoing challenges,…

Global News

Added on: 08/24/2023
Brazil’s Supreme Court ruled Tuesday that homophobic slurs are now punishable by prison, in a decision applauded by rights activists in a country with rampant violence against…

Global News

Added on: 08/23/2023
Were you ever afraid to go to the toilet at school? For a 14-year-old transgender teenager, it is a daily distressing situation. “I always wait for recess…

Global News

Added on: 08/23/2023
Police in Northern Ireland are investigating graffiti found in Lurgan, Co. Armagh, reading “no Irish, no gay” as a hate crime. The Police Service of Northern Ireland…

Global News

Added on: 08/23/2023
They play serious rugby, train twice a week, heckle from the sidelines, and participate in ‘boat races’ – a post-match duel against the opposing team to determine…

Global News

Added on: 08/23/2023
The Iraqi government should immediately withdraw a proposed law currently before parliament that would impose the death penalty for same-sex conduct and imprisonment for transgender expression, Human…

Alturi Blog

Added on: 08/23/2023
Alturi Project Stategist
Africa The World Population Review provides metrics for tracking laws impacting sexual orientation and gender identity globally. Our World in Data offers data on extreme poverty by…

Global News

Added on: 08/22/2023
Every year, the University of Victoria’s Transgender Archives attract visitors from all over the world looking to study and learn from its history. The archives are the…

Global News

Added on: 08/22/2023
Artist Carmen Rose used to perform regularly in Malaysia, until a police raid last year put an end to the veteran drag queen’s act and fueled the…

Global News

Added on: 08/22/2023
To the outrage of national Republicans, the California GOP is trying to broaden its appeal by removing language opposing abortion and critical of same-sex marriage from its…

Global News

Added on: 08/21/2023
CNN — A Southern California clothing store owner was shot and killed after an argument about a rainbow Pride flag hanging outside her business, police said, as the LGBTQ+ community continues…

Global News

Added on: 08/21/2023
An adviser to Russian President Vladimir Putin has claimed that Ukraine’s military will become “unified through gay sex” like the Greek Spartans. While the comment may seem bizarre,…

Global News

Added on: 08/21/2023
Even as night settles over Quetta, there are plenty of cars whizzing past us as we disappear into a two-story house along Sattar Road. We grope the…

Global News

Added on: 08/21/2023
“Recognition of the inherent dignity and of the equal and inalienable rights of all members of the human family is the foundation of freedom, justice, and peace…

Global News

Added on: 08/20/2023
Like every other queer community on the continent already living in fear, the LGBTQ+ community in Kenya might be the next to be hit with an additional…

Global News

Added on: 08/20/2023
The police are looking into an incident in which a 31-year-old man from the central Israeli city of Rehovot was attacked due to his sexual orientation on…

Global News

Added on: 08/20/2023
Revellers descended on Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park on Saturday to celebrate UK Black Pride. In what is the event’s 18th year, LGBTQI+ people of African, Asian, Caribbean,…

Global News

Added on: 08/20/2023
When Nerida Williams visited the Cook Islands late last year, she was struck by just how many Pride flags were dotted about the place. The Cook Islands,…

Global News

Added on: 08/19/2023
A transgender soldier of the Ukrainian armed forces was attacked while on leave in Lviv, highlighting the struggles faced by the LGBT community. Hanna Mark was a…

Global News

Added on: 08/19/2023
Kelly Lamrock, New Brunswick’s Child and Youth Advocate, has completed his scathing review of Premier Blaine Higgs’ Progressive Conservative government’s changes to Policy 713, which is supposed…

Global News

Added on: 08/19/2023
Few understand the dangers of belonging to a marginalized group in Ethiopia like Faris Cuchi Gezahegn. “The reality of being queer and being part of the LGBTQ+…

Global News

Added on: 08/19/2023
The Human Rights Campaign (HRC), an LGBTQ+ nonprofit organisation, revealed in data analysis published on Wednesday (16 August) that almost 80 per cent of LGBTQ+ adults feel…

Global News

Added on: 08/18/2023
In the wake of the tragic death of a Saudi trans woman who was coerced back to the country before taking her own life, LGTBQ Saudis are…

Global News

Added on: 08/18/2023
The International Chess Federation (FIDE) says it is temporarily banning transgender women from competing in its women’s events. The FIDE said individual cases would require “further analysis”…

Global News

Added on: 08/18/2023
In Clapham, there’s a sense of trepidation and sadness as the local LGBTQ+ community comes to terms with an attack at one of their safe spaces, iconic…