Why we should (try to) take the Boston Straight Pride parade seriously


“It’s LGBT Pride Month, but straight people aren’t going to let that stop them. Yesterday, news hit the wires that a group of men referring to themselves as Super Happy Fun America were planning a “straight pride parade” in Boston. The self-identified deputy leader of the group, Mark Sahady, claimed that they had worked out a parade route and applied to the city for a permit. They also wanted the same “accommodations” as the LGBT pride parade was being given. Reportedly, they wanted to upset the “identity politics” agenda. I was walking around an art installation full of color and vibrancy yesterday when I read the news. I felt an overwhelming sense of anger and sadness. It felt like a blatant mockery of everything I’d been through as a bisexual teen in a Midwest town, my sexuality denied and opposed by my conservative parents.

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