Condom use has declined in Uganda, especially among rural populations, according to a new assessment of condom supplies and funding gaps in Uganda. The study was commissioned by the AIDS Healthcare Foundation (AHF). The condom coalition, consisting mostly of health rights and key populations activists, will work closely with the Uganda Coalition on Access to Essential Medicine, a group of over 45 organisations focusing on availability, affordability of essential AIDS-fighting medicines and supplies in Uganda. A steering committee of six people is leading the work of the condom coalition. Top on the coalition’s priorities will be ensuring close consultations with government and civil society to ensure that a new condom strategy to overcome structural barriers to condom use is developed. The country’s previous condom strategy expired in 2015. Ms Alice Kayongo, the AHF’s regional policy and advocacy manager for the East/West Africa Bureau & Malawi, said last week in Kampala that the coalition will work to remove hurdles to maintaining accessible and affordable condom stocks in the country.