This Gay Man Escaped From Afghanistan. America Has Abandoned Him in a ‘Terrifying’ Limbo.


C says all he can see are tall buildings surrounding him. “It feels like I have escaped death, but now I am in a prison,” he told The Daily Beast through a translator. “I am in a boundary surrounded by four walls, not allowed to go anywhere.” C is 26, gay, originally from Kabul, and has been in a refugee camp for two and a half months, having escaped Afghanistan in September in fear for his life. C asks The Daily Beast to not use his real name. His family is still in Afghanistan, and he worries about both their rejection and what the Taliban would do to them if his identity were known. He also asks us not to name the refugee camp, or its location, as he fears for his own life and safety within the camp should his sexuality be discovered. C feels forgotten by America, and worried that he will be deported back to  Afghanistan “where I fear I will be killed,” he told The Daily Beast. He is not alone. The advocacy organization Rainbow Railroad, which has been helping facilitate the escape and resettlement of queer Afghans, estimates there may be “hundreds” like him—LGBTQ people who managed to escape the country, but who have not yet made it to the U.S., the UK or other Western countries, and are instead in refugee camps in countries hostile to LGBTQ rights and people.

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