The military is having a hard time providing evidence that supports the transgender ban, advocate says


The military is having a hard time providing documented evidence in support of its transgender ban. In Karnoski v. Trump, one of four challenges to the transgender military ban, the argument is being made that the military arbitrarily followed President Donald Trump’s order to ban transgender service members without first conducting an independent, fair study of whether or not transgender service members have any sort of negative effect on readiness, national security or the armed forces. When asked to produce documented evidence that they did, in fact, conduct such a study, the military faltered. The documentation they eventually produced to the courts was “completely wrong.” “They put together this panel and jammed a process through and tried very hard, I think, to cherry-pick some random bits of evidence here and there to try and paint a picture that would justify the dramatic step of completely reversing a policy that they had just instated very recently,” said Shannon Minter, the legal director at the advocacy group, National Center for Lesbian Rights (NCLR).

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