The Godmothers: Five transgender women give back to society


Nammane, Summane, a temporary shelter and NGO for abandoned children rescued from the streets, will be inaugurated on Wednesday. It’s the first home of its kind in Karnataka because it has been started by five transgender women to provide shelter and free education to rescued children. ‘Nammane, Summane’ is located in Gangondanahalli near Tumkur Toll gate and the five founders are Nakshatra, 22, a volunteer with the BBMP, Milana, 30, a beautician and a counsellor, Reshma, 38, a tailor, Soundarya, 30, a volunteer with an NGO and Tanushree, 35, an employee at a soap factory. Milana who has been working as a counsellor for an NGO, has been trying to create a place for their community where the younger generation will have more options than just begging and prostitution. Milana said, “Some of us were accepted by our family members and some were not. We have been struggling throughout our lives and we wanted to give something back to society so that others don’t go through what we experienced. We wanted to provide a place which does not discriminate on the basis of caste, religion or gender. We have rented two houses of two bedrooms each, one for men and one for women. There is no third gender for us. If a person wants to be identified as female, she can reside with the women. We have spoken to a private school nearby and they have agreed to provide free education to the children at our orphanage. Anyone who is in need and has no place to go, is always welcome to our orphanage.”

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