Thailand takes a leap towards marriage equality, but more work needed for trans rights


This summer, the Thai government passed the Marriage Equality Bill, marking a historic moment as Thailand became the first country in Southeast Asia to legalize same-sex marriage. At a recent workshop for the transmasculine community in Chiang Mai conducted by TransEqual, queer joy rippled through the room. A participant who self-identifies as a “Tom,” a local transmasculine identity, shared with tears that he and his girlfriend had wanted to marry for years. Now that they’ll be able to do so legally, he plans to propose soon. His story is one of many. The bill, approved on June 18, awaits the king’s signature and will go into effect 120 days after its passage. When that happens, the new law will allow two “individuals” to register their marriage and confer the same legal rights to adoption, social services, inheritance, and other benefits as afforded to heterosexual couples.

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