Taliban vow to crush gay men to death by pushing WALLS onto them as jihadis plunge Afghanistan back under Sharia law


THE Taliban have horrifically vowed to crush gay men to death by pushing walls on them as they plan to reinstate Sharia law across Afghanistan. Jihadist judge Gul Rahim, 38, offered an alarming insight into the future of the war-torn country if Islamic militants gain full control. They have already seized a third of Afghanistan and show no sign of slowing down their blitz offensive and are instead planning to assert the code of law derived from the Koran if they prove victorious. Rahim told how he plans to reintroduce the torturous punishments for homosexuals and criminals across the entire country once American forces have fully withdrawn. He told German newspaper Bild from his Taliban-controlled district in central Afghanistan: “That was our goal and always will be.” Women will even require PERMITS to leave their homes if the Islamist group re-takes control and enforce Sharia law. The 38-year-old judge calmly discussed a recent case that he had ruled on regarding a man who had stolen a ring from a house, seeing Rahim decide that his hand must be cut off.

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