Taipei, May 15 (CNA) As Taiwan approaches the one-year anniversary of its legalization of same-sex marriage on May 24, nearly 93 percent of Taiwanese say the policy has had no impact on them, according to the results of a survey released Friday. At a press conference, Equal Love Taiwan — a coalition of five LGBT rights organizations — announced the results of an April 29-May 2 survey it conducted on the Taiwan public’s attitudes toward a range of issues affecting the LGBT community. The survey found that 92.8 percent of the respondents had not been impacted by the legalization of same-sex marriage, while 3.7 percent cited a negative impact, 1.8 percent cited a positive impact and 1.7 percent had no opinion on the matter. In terms of the policy’s impact on Taiwanese society, 50.1 percent said there had been no effect, while 28.4 percent said the effect was negative, 11.9 percent said it was positive and 9.6 percent expressed no opinion.