Sudan coup adds uncertainties for LGBTQ+ community


Queer people have long been excluded from Sudans’ political life and social mainstream, but some believe the country’s currently tumultuous transition to democracy presents an opportunity to make progress toward recognition of LGBTIQ+ rights. Hopeful signs appear in a report compiled by Bedayaa, a Nile River Valley organization advocating for LGBTQI people in Egypt and Sudan. The Needs Assessment Report sheds light on what can be done to support queer organising and rights demands in the majority Muslim country where death penalty for same-sex adult intimacy was only lifted last year, following a coup that removed the country’s long-time dictator, President Omar al Bashir. It discusses critical topics such as access to justice, health care, safety and security of person and property, shelter, education, capacity-building, sexual and reproductive health and rights, and non-discrimination, among others.

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