Student goes viral after drowning out homophobic, racist demonstrator with his trombone


A US college student has gone viral after he used his trombone to drown out a homophobic and racist demonstrator on campus. According to WLTX, Trey Hogan is a freshman at the University of South Carolina and a trombone player in the university’s band. But when a demonstrator showed up on campus wearing a MAGA hat, holding a sign reading “BLM [Black Lives Matter] are racist thugs” and screaming racial and homophobic slurs through a megaphone, Hogan decided to put use his trombone to combat the vile hate speech. Whenever the demonstrator began to speak, Hogan played his trombone as loud as possible, earning him cheers and applause from his fellow students. Hogan said: “I just had the idea to drown his sound out with mine, so I got my trombone and… I was kind of hesitant at first, but then everyone supported it. “He was saying some pretty hateful stuff, and I just didn’t agree with any of it.”

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