Sint Maarten’s first openly trans woman says attitudes are changing


Being trans in the Caribbean today is easier than in the past, helped by the visibility and recognition of transgender people in Northern countries, as well as advances in local legislation in the Caribbean. On Saint Martin, an island split between a Dutch side and a French side, it is mainly European law that applies to these two contiguous territories. Today, trans people in the Dutch portion Sint Maarten enjoy many of the same rights as their peers on the other side of the Atlantic, but what about in terms of mentality and the experience of those concerned on the island? That’s the subject of our interview with Kristen Moore, a transgender woman from Sint Maarten who agreed to share her story with 76Crimes as a way of supporting the work of the local LGBTQ group Safe 978.

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Added on: 06/29/2023
Whenever the rights of LGBTQ+ people move forward in the world, be it with laws that recognize same-sex marriage or the administrative identity of …