Section 377 is History but Young LGBT Indians Need Concrete Policies to Protect them from Bullying


The picture is bleak for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender youth in India. Many face harassment and bullying, and to avoid humiliation and violence they often skip classes or drop out of school altogether. Most teachers are not trained or empowered to respond to anti-LGBT bullying, so in many cases they don’t. In some cases, they even participate in the harassment. Court judgments in recent years have laid the groundwork for better protections from discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity, and the Indian government’s stance on LGBT rights has evolved considerably. But much more is needed to protect people on the basis of sexual and gender identity in India. Two reports published this month shed much-needed light on the experiences of sexual and gender minority youth in India’s schools. UNESCO, the United Nations education agency, and the International Commission of Jurists, a nongovernmental organisation, have each published harrowing in-depth reports on the plight of LGBT Indians.

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