Rainbow Railroad is a charitable organization that should be on everybody’s lips right now. What they are able to accomplish is beyond incredible and super admirable. Rainbow Railroad’s daily goal is to help members of our LGBTQ community escape violence and persecution in their home countries. There is still a vast amount of people in this world who are anti-gay to the point where many have been murdered someone simply because of their sexuality. Rainbow Railroad does everything they can to get them to a place where they are not only safe but feel like they can be their authentic selves. They were part of facilitating a victim of the infamous 2017 “gay purge” in Chechnya, Amin. His story of escape to Canada as shared with viewers on 60 Minutes in 2019. Now they have a powerful new initiative worth learning about. It’s called the #60in60 Campaign where the Canadian-based org is trying to raise $600,000 in the last 60 days of 2020 to save 60 lives.