PM Lee: Whatever your sexual orientation, you’re welcome to work in Singapore


Are the winds of change blowing over Singapore? Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong spoke up about sexual orientation and Section 377A of the Penal Code, which deem homosexual acts between men illegal, at the Smart Nation Summit at Marina Bay Sands on June 26, Wednesday. The Prime Minister fielded a question from the audience about inclusiveness, particularly for foreign workers and what he thought about Pink Dot, the country’s yearly pro LGBT+ rights demonstration, which is taking place this Saturday, June 29, at Hong Lim Park. PM Lee says that he was not quite sure about Section 377A’s exact wording, but emphasized that everyone is welcome to work in the country. About inclusiveness, we are open. You know our rules in Singapore, he says. “WHATEVER YOUR SEXUALITY ORIENTATION IS, YOU’RE WELCOME TO COME AND WORK IN SINGAPORE. SOME PEOPLE HAVE AN ISSUE WITH THE 377A, WHICH IS OUR LEGISLATION ON … I’M NOT SURE EXACTLY WHAT THE CLAUSE SAYS, BUT BASICALLY, IT’S AGAINST HOMOSEXUAL ACTS. WHICH REMAINS LEGISLATION AND IT WILL FOR SOME TIME.”

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