Paraguay: Amnesty International brings unconstitutionality proceedings against resolutions that discriminate against LGBTI people


Today, Amnesty International, together with Diversxs Alto Paraná, and with the support of the Red Paraguaya de la Diversidad Sexual (REPADIS) and It Gets Better Paraguay, presented an Action of Unconstitutionality before the Supreme Court of Justice regarding two resolutions by the Board and Municipal Administration of the City of Hernandarias that violate the human rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans and intersex (LGBTI) people. On 19 September, Diversxs Alto Paraná, a collective that defends the rights of LGBTI people, presented an official notice informing the mayor of Hernandarias that they planned to hold a peaceful march in the city on 29 September. The aim of the march was to commemorate the killing of Bernardo Aranda and the violence linked to the investigation of the case in 1959, during the dictatorship of Alfredo Stroessner. On 27 September, the mayor issued Resolution 3076/19, which banned the march on the grounds that it was considered contrary to “public morals”, and confirmed Resolution 036/19, which declared Hernandarias a “Pro-Life and Pro-Family City” (“Ciudad Pro-Vida y Pro-Familia”). “The resolutions issued by the Hernandarias city hall clearly reflect intolerance that reinforces social prejudices and intensifies the damaging repercussions for LGBTI people in Paraguay.

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