No Filipino LGBTI Inclusive Policy: 1st SOGIE Inclusivity Index in the PHL Reveals


The Philippine LGBTI Chamber of Commerce recently revealed the results of the first-ever SOGIE inclusivity index in the Philippines, and the results are dismal. In a survey of 100 companies which cumulatively employ 267,231 people, not a single Filipino organization has any LGBT-inclusive policy.  The study, which was undertaken by research firm Cogencia from July to September 2018, aims to establish a quantitative baseline SOGIE Corporate Diversity and Inclusiveness Index across top corporations as well as other small and medium enterprises in the Philippines. It was done with the support from the Embassy of the Kingdom of Netherlands in the Philippines. “I’m not sure why Filipinos like to say we’re a country that tolerates and accepts LGBT [because] that is not correct. Every day I experience some form of discrimination,” added Cogencia Head Paolo Edrosolano.

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