
The big story out of the New Zealand elections is – yes, Prime Minister Jacinda Arden’s landslide win, but also that the country will get the gayest Parliament in the world. Eleven openly queer MPs or 9.1% of the parliament were elected to the 120-member NZ Parliament helping it beat the United Kingdom, which has 45 out members or 7% of the 650-member House of Commons. Arden’s Labour Party which had five out MPs in the outgoing Parliament, will increase its numbers by two more. The out Labour MPs are finance minister Grant Robertson, Louisa Wall, Meka Whaitiri, Tamati Coffey, Kiri Allan, Ayesha Verrall and Shanan Halbert. The Greens will also increase their rainbow numbers by two. Jan Logie, Chloe Swarbrick, Elizabeth Kerekere and Ricardo Menendez March are the openly queer Greens MPs in the new Parliament.

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