New Pro-Gay Cardinal Blames ‘Foreign Cash’ for African Bishops’ Biblical Stance on Homosexuality


An influential delegate at Pope Francis’s global summit has directly linked African Catholic bishops’ stand for traditional biblical values with financial coercion from American evangelicals, Russian Orthodox, and Gulf-linked Muslims. Cardinal-designate Timothy Radcliffe, who has been the retreat-preacher to the Synod on Synodality both in 2023 and 2024, took a potshot at the conservative African bishops in a column published in the Vatican’s official newspaper on October 12. “African bishops are under intense pressure from Evangelicals, with American money; from Russian Orthodox, with Russian money; and from Muslims, with money from the rich Gulf countries,” Radcliffe wrote in L’Osservatore Romano, explaining the almost unanimous rejection of Pope Francis’s declaration, Fiducia supplicans, by African prelates.

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