A majority of English Anglicans now back same-sex marriage, despite the Church of England’s refusal to perform or bless them. The Church of England does not perform same-sex marriages and refuses to bless same-sex civil unions. LGBT+ clergy members are allowed to be in relationships, but must remain celibate. But a YouGov poll, commissioned by the Ozanne Foundation, showed this week that 55 per cent of Anglicans in England believe that same-sex marriage is a right. This is a sharp increase on previous years – when the same question was asked in 2013, 38 per cent of Anglicans said the same. The proportion on English Anglicans who believe same-sex marriage is “wrong” has also dropped from 47 per cent in 2013 to 29 per cent this year. The change in attitude comes as a younger generation of Anglicans begins to take over the Church of England. Of respondents under the age of 50, almost three quarters (72 per cent) said marriage equality was “right”.