LGTB community in Cuba marches for their rights and in solidarity with Palestinians


Hundreds of activists for sexual diversity in Cuba held a demonstration in the streets of the capital on Saturday, both to celebrate the update of the laws that incorporated more rights for the gay community and in solidarity with the Palestinian cause. The march is part of the activities for the Cuban Days against Homophobia and Transphobia that take place annually on the island around the International Day – May 17 – and that remembers the work of raising awareness on this matter. Seminars, colloquiums, film series and meetings with personalities give life to this forum. “I come because I believe it is another year of struggle to show society that we are part of this country, of this world,” Rafael Acosta, 30, told The Associated Press as he joined the march — or “conga.” ” as Cubans call it—and which has been carried out since 2008.

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