Iranian aide who shared cartoon of same-sex parents faces prison for ‘homosexual propaganda’


The former aide for women’s and family affairs in Iran has been charged with “spreading moral corruption” in the form of a cartoon depicting loving LGBT+ families. The Iranian news outlet Rah-e Dana reported on Monday (July 13) that an indictment had been issued for Shahindokht Molaverdi. She was charged with “propaganda against the regime”, “encouraging corruption and prostitution” and “providing classified information and documents to disrupt national security.” Under Article 639 of the Islamic Penal Code, anyone who encourages or incites people to moral corruption or depravity is sentenced to one to ten years in prison. When the story broke Molaverdi was not aware of the charges, and she wrote an open letter to the head of Iran’s Judiciary demanding to know why the news had been leaked to the media before she was informed.

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