Indian lesbian ‘held captive’ by husband wins right to live with partner


A lesbian from India who was allegedly held against her will by her husband and parents has won the right to live with her girlfriend. The High Court of Delhi‘s Justices Siddharth Mridul and Justice Sangita Dhingra Sehgal said the woman, who has not been named, had an “inalienable human and fundamental right” to live with her partner, according to The Indian Express. The lesbian woman married her husband in 2016, but left their home to live with her partner in October, after the Supreme Court unanimously ruled to overturn Section 377 and decriminalise gay sex in September. Her husband reported her to the police as missing. After she clarified to authorities that she had willingly left their home, her 36-year-old partner took the case to court, saying she was worried for her girlfriend’s safety.

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