In a nation wracked by violence, Kay Trans Ayiti welcomes trans Haitians


Yaisah Val, a pioneer trans activist in Haiti, describes trans advocacy and the challenges of life in the impoverished Caribbean nation. “I am Yaisah Val. My organization is A.C.I.F.V.H and I am the first trans woman in Haiti to come out on a radio broadcast. In the past, there was always confusion between sexual orientation and gender identity in the public debate in Haiti. Since 2016 and the advent of A.C.I.F.V.H, we have been teaching, in order to distinguish between these two issues. Today, our main goal is political, social and cultural inclusion, as well as the medical inclusion of trans people. To this end, with the help of a donor, we have set up a refuge to support trans persons experiencing family breakdown. The shelter has room for 20 residents.”

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