To say that 2019 was a life-changing year for Noah Scheffel is an understatement. That year, the Brazilian technologist had been impacted by transphobic attitudes in his working environment due to his own transition journey, which led to a near-death experience. Little did he know this trajectory would result in EducaTRANSforma, an edtech focused on changing realities by training and plugging the transgender population into the technology market. Access to formal work opportunities for transgender individuals is a massive challenge in Brazil. According to the National Association of Transvestites and Transsexuals of Brazil (ANTRA), only 4% are employed by companies, and many resort to prostitution to survive. Moreover, when it comes to starting a business, particularly in the technology space, their presence is minimal: only 0,1% of the 13,000 startups in Brazil are led by transgender women or men, according to data from the Brazilian Startups Association (ABStartups).