How Alfred Kinsey armed the early gay rights movement with research


There was a time when one out of every two Americans Gallup polled knew Alfred Kinsey’s name, and to gay men, lesbians, and bisexuals he was a living hero. Sadly, for the last quarter-century or so, calling Alfred Kinsey “the man who made the homosexual movement possible” has come not from that movement but the anti-gay industry. On June 27th, the late bisexual Indiana University (IU) zoology professor’s name was finally immortalized where it should have been long ago: in New York’s Stonewall Inn. He now appears along with Harvey Milk, Edie Windsor, José Sarria, Christine Jorgensen, Bayard Rustin, and others, among the 50 individuals on the permanent National LGBTQ Wall of Honor “honoring pioneers, trailblazers, and heroes” who “contributed to the advancement of the LGBTQ community in a substantive way.”

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