Hazon’s aggressive anti-Left, anti-LGBT campaign draws backlash, support


“A father and a mother = a family. The courage to be normal.” Thus read a large banner displayed on a hotel near the entrance to Jerusalem. The banner quickly sparked outrage from the Israeli LGBT community. The Association for LGBTQ Equality in Israel (known as the Agudah) contacted the hotel quickly and the banner was removed. This banner was part of a much larger campaign started by Hazon, a movement dedicated to “returning the Jewish character to the national agenda in Israel.” The campaign is centered on using the time before the election to pressure politicians to agree to a religious Jewish agenda for the State. The campaign is targeting a variety of topics, including work and public transport on Shabbat, the Women of the Wall movement, and the silencing of right-wing and religious movements. Hazon describes all of these things as “not normal” in almost all of its publications.

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