From ultra-Orthodox rabbi to openly transgender: Abby Stein shares her story


Abby Stein discovered what the word “transgender” meant — and that the term accurately described her — when she snuck on the internet for the very first time back in 2011, in a mall bathroom, at the age of 20. “The first thing I searched was whether a boy could turn into a girl in Hebrew — I didn’t speak English at all — and that led me to the first Hebrew Wikipedia page that was talking about transgender,” Stein told NBC’s “Today” show Tuesday. “It was the first time I heard that term. I identified as such without having words for it. Stein is thought to be the first openly transgender woman raised in a Hasidic community, an experience she chronicles in her memoir, “Becoming Eve: My Journey from Ultra-Orthodox Rabbi to Transgender Woman,” which was released Nov. 12.

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