From Kenya to Canada, support grows worldwide for homosexuality


Acceptance of homosexuality is rising broadly across the world, according to a survey published on Thursday, even as sharp divisions persist by region and economic development. Support has grown from as far afield as Kenya to the United States, the Pew Research Center survey found, with an average of 52% of people across 34 countries saying homosexuality should be accepted, versus 38% against. “Overall the changes are towards more acceptance rather than less,” said Jacob Poushter, associate director of global attitudes research at the U.S.-based think tank. Many countries saw a considerable jump in acceptance from the inaugural survey of 2002, including a 21-point increase in South Africa and a 19-point rise in South Korea. India saw a 22-point surge since its first survey in 2014. However, views on homosexuality remain regionally divided, with a majority in sub-Saharan Africa and the Middle East agreeing that being gay should not be accepted, compared to most people in the Americas and Western Europe who embrace the issue.

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