‘Fear and shame holding LGBT community back’


Patna may have taken giant strides in many fields, but there are areas where it still lags behind other cities. The inclusivity of the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community is one of them.  According to experts, conservative families and societal pressures compel queer people to stay in the closet. Besides, lack of counselling centres also discourages them to identify themselves as part of the LGBT community and voice their opinions. June is observed as the LGBT pride month all over. Transgender activist Reshma Prasad says a pride parade is on the cards in Patna next month. The city has already witnessed two such events in 2012 and 2017.  Due to absence of financial assistance, regular community mobilization cannot take place. We need to sensitize people to the importance of treating the LGBT community with respect and love,” Patna Women’s College’s mass communication department head Minati Chaklanvis urges Patnaites to do away with stereotypes.

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