LGBTI groups in Turkey have reportedly been trying to survive hate murders, abuse, rape, and inequality in what reportedly is a very polarised society. A society in which moral understanding is dictated to be based on Sunni Islam by the government authorities. LGBTI events are frequently banned without a logical reason in Turkey which reportedly shows the government’s indifference to accepting LGBTIs’ struggle for their personal freedom. The freedom of other suppressed subcultures are also in peril since the terms “educated” and “suppressed” have reportedly become synonymous in today’s far-right politics. Nora Şenkal is an LGBTI activist and a trans woman. “Would you leave Turkey if you had the chance?” when asked, Nora responded “This struggle is what I like and value. I wouldn’t emigrate to another country even though I speak a second language. I believe there is discrimination in every country.”