Dillian gets humanitarian protection


“I feel vin­di­cat­ed.” That was the re­ac­tion of Dil­lian John­son in an emailed re­sponse mo­ments af­ter he was told that he had been grant­ed hu­man­i­tar­i­an pro­tec­tion by the Unit­ed King­dom Home Of­fice for the next five years. John­son, fled the coun­try in De­cem­ber 2017 af­ter he was shot at his Gas­par­il­lo home. He claimed then that he was a vic­tim of a tar­get­ed hit.  Ac­cord­ing to UK Home Of­fice, John­son had ap­plied for refugee sta­tus on a “well-found­ed fear of per­se­cu­tion in Trinidad and To­ba­go on the ba­sis of your mem­ber­ship of a par­tic­u­lar so­cial group (a gay man).”

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