Complaints of Harm to LBGTQ Community Rose by 11 Percent in 2022


The number of complaints of harm to members of the LGBTQ community rose by 11 percent in 2022, according to the annual report by The Aguda – Israel’s LGBTQ Task Force, which was released on Sunday. In 2022, the Task Force received 3,309 complaints of harm to the LGBTQ community compared to 2,971 in 2021. The number of complaints peaked in June, which is Pride Month. Twenty-five percent of the complaints were received in November and December, after the Knesset election and the establishment of the new right-wing government. The number of reports of LGBTQ-phobia in the public sphere as well as reports of discrimination by businesses also rose significantly. The report is based on self-reporting to the Aguda hotline, with some complaints filed by phone and others online. The report was written in cooperation with the Israeli Institute for Gender and LGBTQ+ Studies, headed by Dr. Sigal Goldin.

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