Vjera Narod Drzava (Faith People State), a recently-founded Muslim political campaign group, has announced that it will stage an “anti-LGBTIQ” protest during the Sarajevo Pride parade on Saturday. The group called on Muslims and Christians to “join us against this plague”. “The Bible, like the Quran, condemns homosexuality!” it said in a Facebook post on Monday. “This is a reaction to what we see as bringing things into the streets that we don’t consider normal or acceptable. We have the democratic right to raise our voice against that and express our counter-stance,” one of the organisers of the protest, Sanin Musa, a former Salafi Muslim teacher who founded Faith People State, told BIRN. A group called Iskorak (Step Forward), under Musa’s leadership, organised protests against the first Pride parade that was held in Sarajevo in 2019.