Tokyo BTM is an increasingly popular channel that focuses on queer culture in Japan. Created by two expat, Andrew Pugsley, from Canada, and Meng Delvey, from mainland China, the duo has garnered over 9 million views and 75 thousand subscribers since starting in June 2020. Pugsley’s love for Japan started decades ago. It was the typical otaku story of loving video games, anime and manga, which led to graduating from university in Japan, landing a stable job and even buying a house. When Pugsley is not working, he can be found shooting artistic gel flash photography, playing video games, meeting friends, singing karaoke or doing basic gardening out on his balcony overlooking Tokyo. Delvey has lived in both the U.S. and Japan. After graduating from college in the States, he moved to Japan to pursue career opportunities. Outside of work, Delvey enjoys exploring fine cuisine with friends and pursuing personal development. He has recently found a love for driving, cooking and fitness.