Every summer since 2017, Istanbul has played host to a sporting event known as the “Queer Olympix.” Created by a handful of soccer-loving Turkish queer activists, the annual event — which is not affiliated with the international Gay Games organization, though they have similar goals — includes beach volleyball, dodgeball and soccer. The organizers see it as an opportunity to create and reclaim spaces for the LGBTQ community in Turkey, and to rethink how sports are practiced and played. Unlike traditional sports, the Queer Olympix doesn’t keep score solely by counting goals; instead, they emphasize fair play (the lack of which can result in a loss of points) and fun over competition. The LGBTQ-friendly games have continued despite opposition from the Turkish government, which also banned Pride starting in 2015. In 2019, organizers of the Queer Olympix faced a police ban for including the word “queer” in the event’s name.