20 photos that chronicle America’s iconic history of activism


Tens of thousands of Americans have been marching in the streets daily, demanding an end to police brutality and racism. Following the murders of Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor, and George Floyd let alone the countless others who have been overlooked Americans have come together to fight for the Black Lives Matter movement and combat racial injustice. This latest example of collective activism marks a longstanding history of Americans protesting for change. In the early 1900s, women took to the streets to demand the ability to vote; during the civil rights movement hundreds of thousands of people marched against racism; and in the late 1960s, the Stonewall riots catapulted LGTBQ rights to the mainstream. In more recent memory, the Women’s March on Washington swelled to a half-million people after President Trump was elected. Throughout the past few years, rallies related to immigration, LGBTQ rights, and other issues have continued to pop up in cities around the country.

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