Global News

Added on: 12/01/2018
Nepal was hailed a leader in LGBT rights when it became the first country in conservative South Asia to recognize a third gender and assure equality for…
Added on: 12/01/2018
US Vice President Mike Pence has been branded a “hypocrite” for a World AIDS Day speech in which he only spoke about straight victims of the AIDS…
Added on: 12/01/2018
Attorneys for transgender members of the caravan are rushing to find people willing to house them in the United States while their asylum cases play out in…
Added on: 12/01/2018
Kosta Karakashyan is a talented artist devoted to social justice and LGBT rights. The New York choreographer is fighting for the vulnerable in the hostile region of…
Added on: 12/01/2018
As an openly gay man in Papua New Guinea, where sex between men is illegal and stigma and violence widespread, 24-year-old Kapera Patrick remembers thugs pelting him…
Added on: 11/30/2018
Lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender-plus (LGBT+) advocacy groups have welcomed the adoption of the Civil Union Amendment Bill that will compel marriage officers at Home Affairs to…
Added on: 11/30/2018
A gay rugby player who is facing deportation to Kenya, where he says he will be persecuted because of his sexuality, has been granted bail allowing him to…
Added on: 11/30/2018
Navid Jafartash fled Iran in 2014 because he feared for his life: He is gay, and homosexuality is illegal in Iran and in some cases punishable by death….
Added on: 11/30/2018
Russia and some former Soviet Union countries risk developing out-of-control HIV epidemics, experts said on Wednesday, after data showed a record number of new cases last year….
Added on: 11/30/2018
Transgender people 14-years-old and older in Chile will now be legally allowed to change their gender marker on official documents thanks to a bill signed into law…
Added on: 11/29/2018
This weekend, voters turned out against marriage equality in a series of referendums that were meant to decide how Taiwan would implement a 2017 court ruling. Now, according…
Added on: 11/29/2018
Over the past 20 years, the Supreme Court has established basic rights for gays and lesbians — the right to marry the person you love regardless of sex…