Global News

Added on: 11/24/2018
A key referendum in Taiwan has the potential to roll back same sex-marriage and jeopardize international athletic competition. Conservatives and pro-independence groups are using referendums to push…
Added on: 11/24/2018
The NHS has been accused of treating the health needs of gay, transgender and other LGBT+ people as “less important” than the wider population by the head of parliament’s Women and Equalities Committee. After receiving evidence…
Added on: 11/24/2018
As Taiwan gears up to vote on same-sex marriage on Saturday (Nov. 24), its LGBT community has been battling a flood of misinformation proliferating across social media…
Added on: 11/24/2018
Shh…Diam!, a four-member punk group is a rarity in a country where gay and transgender issues are often seen as taboo, cross-dressing is illegal and sodomy is banned…
Added on: 11/24/2018
On a sunny day in a park in Taipei, photographer Austin Haung advises a same-sex couple on how to pose for a pre-wedding photo shoot. For him,…
Added on: 11/23/2018
Turkish LGBT rights organisation Kaos GL said on Wednesday that Turkey’s Directorate of Religious Affairs had used hate speech against LGBT people while answering questions on homosexuality on Turkey’s official…
Added on: 11/23/2018
Taiwan is in the final days of a battle over the future of equality in the country, with conservatives campaigning fiercely against LGBT advocates over a referendum on…
Added on: 11/23/2018
The dark surface of Inya Lake is illuminated by warm bobbing candles, pushed out by a small but dedicated crowd who has come in the evening to…
Added on: 11/23/2018
Muslim leaders in Thailand’s South have rejected the proposed Life Partnership Bill, which would allow LGBT couples to marry. The Nation reports that, if the bill becomes…
Added on: 11/23/2018
Cuba will revise its constitution in 2019 – and one of the biggest topics under debate is Article 68, which proposes legalising same-sex marriage. By legalising same-sex marriage,…
Added on: 11/23/2018
The mayor of Padang, in West Sumatra, led thousands of city residents on an anti-LGBT march on Sunday (18 November). It is the latest state-sanctioned move to vilify…
Added on: 11/23/2018
The Philippine LGBTI Chamber of Commerce recently revealed the results of the first-ever SOGIE inclusivity index in the Philippines, and the results are dismal. In a survey of…