Global News

Added on: 01/24/2019
At the United Nations this past May, Uzbek Deputy Justice Minister Mahmud Istamov committed the authoritarian regime he serves to over 200 reforms proposed by the UN…
Added on: 01/24/2019
Apple CEO Tim Cook and Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella were seen at the same dinner table as Brazil’s far-right President Jair Bolsonaro in a picture that surfaced on Twitter….
Added on: 01/24/2019
Angola has finally shed the divisive “vices against nature” provision in its law, widely interpreted to be a ban on homosexual conduct. Taking things one step further, the government…
Added on: 01/23/2019
For the first time ever during a universal periodic review, United Nations member states have made specific recommendations for New Zealand to improve the human rights of…
Added on: 01/23/2019
A lesbian couple in Costa Rica is being sued by the state for their 2015 marriage. According to the lawsuit, their crime is ‘falsedad ideológica en perjuicio de la familia’ (ideological falsehood…
Added on: 01/23/2019
Gabriel Diaz de Tudanca is a 19-year-old Spaniard who, although born a girl, identified as male from early childhood. “When I was three years old I came…
Added on: 01/23/2019
“I once told Martin that although I loved being his wife and a mother, if that was all I did I would have gone crazy. I felt…
Added on: 01/23/2019
The International Triathlon Union has reversed its decision to ban rainbow flags at events after criticism from gay athletes. New rules had stipulated that athletes must “avoid…
Added on: 01/23/2019
Lebanon has reportedly banned people from accessing Grindr, a gay dating mobile app, on the country’s public network. SMEX, a Lebanese NGO that works toward empowering people, reached…
Added on: 01/23/2019
THE UK Home Office has deferred the removal from Scotland of a young asylum seeker who is currently in the Dungavel detention centre. Isabella Katjiparatijivi, a 29-year-old from Namibia,…
Added on: 01/23/2019
Lancashire fire service is seeking to recruit more firefighters from underrepresented social groups. LFRS will be recruiting full time firefighters in March and the service said it…
Added on: 01/23/2019
Describing itself as Jamaica’s oldest LGBT group, the Jamaica Forum for Lesbians, All-Sexual and Gays (J-Flag) has established a crowdfunding page as it seeks funds to rebuild its…