Global News

Added on: 12/14/2018
LGBT+ activists were attacked and arrested by police after staging a peaceful march through Kakuma, a UNCHR refugee camp in Turkana County, Kenya. Around 40 LGBT+ activists took…
Added on: 12/14/2018
Russia’s “gay propaganda” law is directly harming and endangering LGBT+ children and young people, according to a new report. The report – which is called “No Support:…
Added on: 12/13/2018
Mexican boxer Dario Larralde has apologised after saying he supports Nazi dictator Adolf Hitler in calling gay people “a plague.” In a since-deleted video on Twitter earlier this month,…
Added on: 12/13/2018
Young lesbian, gay and bisexual people start becoming depressed and self-harming from the age of 10 because they feel different from their heterosexual peers, research has found….
Added on: 12/13/2018
On the night of the Brazilian election, Bianca Gama cried as it became clear that the country’s next president would be Jair Bolsonaro, a far-right politician whose career has…
Added on: 12/13/2018
The names of both parents who adopt a baby in Israel must be registered on its birth certificate even if both parents are the same sex. Israel’s…
Added on: 12/13/2018
Like many other contestants at the Miss Universe beauty pageant, Angela Ponce grew up watching the glitzy spectacle on television, dreaming of representing her country one day….
Added on: 12/12/2018
When Russia passed a law banning what it called “propaganda of non-traditional relationships,” it made positive discussion about LGBT relationships illegal. The official rationale for the law…
Added on: 12/12/2018
The Church of England issued guidance to clergy on how to be “creative and sensitive” as they welcome transgender people into the faith. The church’s House of Bishops…
Added on: 12/12/2018
LGBTI advocacy groups and public figures celebrated the 70th anniversary of the Universal Declaration Of Human Rights on Monday (10 December). 10 December is also commemorated annually as…
Added on: 12/12/2018
The worldwide struggle for LGBT equality has dramatically changed in the past few years. From our movement’s inception, our great challenge has been to shed our invisibility…
Added on: 12/12/2018
Making asylum claims more difficult for members of the LGBTQ community, caravans of refugees — as with those that have traveled up through Central America hoping to…