Global News

Added on: 01/22/2019
In Kenya, February 22 2019 could be an anniversary remembered for generations. This is the date on which a three-judge bench at the Constitutional Court in Nairobi…
Added on: 01/22/2019
The Czech Republic currently offers civil partnerships for same-sex couples. However, advocates of gay marriage say the current system still leaves them at a disadvantage. Apart from…
Added on: 01/22/2019
The rights of British minority groups are under threat from hardline politicians holding the government to ransom during the Brexit process, leading lawyer Helena Kennedy told the…
Added on: 01/22/2019
Shraga Stern, a Haredi parent living in the UK, sent a letter to the secretary of state for education, Damian Hinds, saying: “Many members of the community…
Added on: 01/22/2019
An LGBT rights advocate has filed a case against the Attorney-General, stating that Section 377A of the Penal Code – which criminalises sex between men – is…
Added on: 01/22/2019
Deniz, a 20-year-old observant Muslim who lives in Istanbul, works as a sign language translator and is studying gastronomy in his spare time. But Deniz, who prefers…
Added on: 01/22/2019
With the end of January 2019 fast approaching, and with it, Chinese New Year just around the corner, it’s time again to look back and remember personal achievements over…
Added on: 01/22/2019
LGBT activists say they have begun helping people flee from the Russian republic of Chechnya amid what they claim is a new wave of detentions and torture targeting the gay…
Added on: 01/21/2019
An Egyptian court on Sunday sentenced a television host to one year in prison for interviewing a gay man last year, a judicial source said. Mohamed al-Gheiti,…
Added on: 01/21/2019
There was little visible progress on human rights during 2018. Authorities failed yet again to end structural and political discrimination against Jews, Roma, and other minorities. There…
Added on: 01/21/2019
South Korea’s fledging LGBTI movement has triggered a conservative backlash, Human Rights Watch (HRW) warned this week. In it’s 2019 world report, HRW said leaders had done little…
Added on: 01/21/2019
A website that gamified hunting gay men in Russia has been reactivated and is now calling for ‘gay hunters’ in several regions. In April 2018, Saw-inspired website пила (Russian for ‘saw’)…