Global News

Added on: 02/05/2019
Poland’s first openly gay politician founded a new progressive party on Sunday ahead of European and Polish elections this year. Robert Biedron, who named the party “Wiosna”…
Added on: 02/05/2019
California would become the first state in the nation to ban surgeries performed on intersex infants if state lawmakers approve a bill authored by gay state Senator…
Added on: 02/05/2019
Victoria is set to become the first state in Australia to introduce a ban on conversion therapy. Daniel Andrews, Premier of Victoria (head of government) made the…
Added on: 02/04/2019
Our Circle, an LGBT advocacy group based in Belize is launching new projects aimed at strengthening ties within the local LGBT community. The organization has launched their…
Added on: 02/04/2019
The recent online vitriol some Singaporeans have spewed on a man from a local junior college who was seen on an Instagram post kissing his male partner…
Added on: 02/04/2019
The commercial capital of the country celebrated its first Pride Parade after the Supreme Court decriminalised homosexuality in September last year on Saturday. Hundreds of people were…
Added on: 02/04/2019
Chizuka Oe and Yoko Ogawa have lived together in a relationship of mutual trust for almost 25 years since they fell in love after their first encounter…
Added on: 02/03/2019
A US federal magistrate judge has said that a ban on gay cure therapy should be blocked because it violates constitutional free speech protections. Evangelical law firm…
Added on: 02/03/2019
Three transgender people who identify as male lost their legal bid on Friday to be recognised as such on their Hong Kong identity cards, in a setback…
Added on: 02/03/2019
When Newsweek publicly announced that I was one of the 15 members of the “Creative Class of 2019,” I seriously had to pinch myself. I was discussing video streaming…
Added on: 02/03/2019
Copenhagen is set to become the first city in Denmark to usher in policy specifically designated to the LGBTI+ community. The policy, ‘En ligeværdig del af fællesskabet’…
Added on: 02/03/2019
In commemoration of 2019 marking 50 years since the Stonewall Riots took place, the editors over at Gay Star News are inviting 50 international guest writers to…