Global News

Added on: 02/15/2019
A bill introduced by two Democratic lawmakers Thursday would update the U.S. tax code to remove gender-specific references such as “husband” and “wife” and would replace the…
Added on: 02/15/2019
Chizuka Oe and Yoko Ogawa have been together for 25 years, but when they submitted their marriage registration at a Tokyo town hall, they knew it would…
Added on: 02/15/2019
The Bundesrat, Germany’s upper house of parliament, is considering whether to recognize Morocco, Algeria and Tunisia as “safe countries of origin.” Yet LGBT people are still persecuted…
Added on: 02/15/2019
When he realized Jair Bolsonaro was likely to be elected president of Brazil last year, politician David Miranda’s first concern was for his family, rather than his…
Added on: 02/15/2019
The most vocal trans-exclusionary voices are, ostensibly, “feminist” ones, and anti-trans lobbying is a mainstream activity. Case in point: Ms. Parker told the podcast “Feminist Current” that…
Added on: 02/14/2019
Japan opened its first LGBTI safe house in Tokyo this week. Nijiiro House supports LGBTI people who have fallen into homelessness due to their sexuality or gender…
Added on: 02/14/2019
Moves by Spain to finally exhume the remains of former dictator Francisco Franco have spurred growing demands for compensation by LGBT+ victims of oppression and torture under…
Added on: 02/14/2019
Brazil’s supreme court is expected to rule Wednesday on a pair of cases that could determine whether homophobia and transphobia should be considered criminal offenses. The cases,…
Added on: 02/14/2019
If 2017 saw the rise of marriage equality in Taiwan, then the backlash in 2018 suggests many observers held an overly optimistic view on just how much…
Added on: 02/14/2019
Israeli politician Shlomo Karhi has been condemned for saying Pride parades “legitimise something that is contrary to the natural family unit.” Karhi, who will be a candidate…
Added on: 02/13/2019
Rico has lived with HIV for almost a decade, confiding in only a small number of people in socially conservative Singapore, fearful of the reaction. Last month,…
Added on: 02/13/2019
A defender of LGBT rights and proponent of muxe culture in Oaxaca has been found dead in an apparently violent attack. Óscar Cazorla was at home in…