Global News

Added on: 02/18/2019
The German health minister, Jens Spahn, has said that he will seek to ban “conversion therapies” that claim to change sexual orientation. “Homosexuality is not an illness,…
Added on: 02/18/2019
A federal judge on Friday blocked the military from forcing out a pair of HIV-positive airmen, saying she had seen no evidence that the disease should prevent…
Added on: 02/18/2019
For most of the 20th century, LGBT Irish citizens were forced to live in a kind of exile in their own country, with the laws, the church…
Added on: 02/17/2019
Members of Kenya’s LGBT community are looking forward to a High Court ruling that might decriminalize gay sex. The impending ruling is raising hopes among LGBT persons…
Added on: 02/17/2019
LGBT+ students and their supporters are urging parliament not to forget about them and protecting their rights to stay in the school they want to attend. A…
Added on: 02/17/2019
Indonesia’s Information and Communications Ministry, also known as Kominfo, has demanded that the popular social network Instagram remove gay-friendly cartoons published by a user known only as…
Added on: 02/17/2019
“We want to give a voice to those, who are not heard, whose voice has been taken,” Ali Feruz says. “Because the story of every human is…
Added on: 02/17/2019
Robert Biedron, a gay and atheist politician, in Catholic, conservative Poland, has created his own progressive political party of young, urban members called the Spring party. Biedron,…
Added on: 02/16/2019
Egypt is a rabidly homophobic country, solidly situated on the list of 73 countries in the world that have made gay sex illegal and it’s getting worse. A…
Added on: 02/16/2019
Gemma Hickey entered Japan this week with something no Japanese national can obtain a gender-neutral passport in which the gender category shows neither female nor male, but…
Added on: 02/16/2019
Stacey Long Simmons, director of advocacy at the National LGBTQ Task Force, vividly recalls the time, as a young college student, she was walking outside of campus…
Added on: 02/16/2019
A proposal that would have blocked transgender people from changing the sex listed on their birth certificates in Utah was shelved Thursday, prompting relief from LGBT advocates…