
Global News

Added on: 05/18/2019
Peruvian lawmaker Alberto de Belaunde, one of only two openly gay members of the country’s Congress, has little hope that he will be able to marry his…

Global News

Added on: 05/07/2019
Sulaida Ramirez Davila sat in a support group for those with AIDS and HIV, like her son, Rafael Olivares. Tears welled up as she recalled her decision…

Global News

Added on: 04/17/2019
Susel Paredes often finds herself in dangerous situations, donning a bulletproof vest to lead high-profile police operations and breaking up cartels of street vendors in one of…

Global News

Added on: 04/09/2019
A Peruvian court has ruled in favor of a lesbian couple who sued the National Registry of Identification and Civil Status for refusing to register their marriage,…

Alturi Partner

Added on: 02/01/2018
REDLACTRANS leads the effort to truly know the extent of anti-transgender discrimination and violence across Central America. Their new report, exposes these human rights violations, and demands that Central…

Alturi Partner

Added on: 01/31/2018
The Astraea Lesbian Foundation For Justice is a multi-gendered, multi-racial, multi-identity organization that prioritizes and supports the leadership of women, transgender people, youth, and people of color….