
Global News

Added on: 01/05/2019
Two men in Chile have been violently attacked and tortured in two seperate homophobic attacks already this year. One man had his head held under hot water…

Global News

Added on: 11/30/2018
Transgender people 14-years-old and older in Chile will now be legally allowed to change their gender marker on official documents thanks to a bill signed into law…

Alturi Partner

Added on: 02/01/2018
REDLACTRANS leads the effort to truly know the extent of anti-transgender discrimination and violence across Central America. Their new report, exposes these human rights violations, and demands that Central…

Alturi Partner

Added on: 01/31/2018
Heartland Alliance’s Global Initiative for Sexuality and Human Rights (GISHR) stands behind activists who are improving the lives of LGBT persons — promoting their rights and protecting them…

Alturi Partner

Added on: 01/31/2018
The Astraea Lesbian Foundation For Justice is a multi-gendered, multi-racial, multi-identity organization that prioritizes and supports the leadership of women, transgender people, youth, and people of color….