
Global News

Added on: 12/06/2018
The 2019 presidential candidate of the Allied Congress Party of Nigeria (ACPN), Obiageli Ezekwesili, has taken a stance on issues concerning the LGBT community in Nigeria.  She said, yesterday, during…

Global News

Added on: 12/04/2018
In an excerpt of a new book released on Saturday in Italy, Pope Francis made the church’s stance on gay priests clear: they should not, in his…

Global News

Added on: 12/03/2018
Seyeda has been rejected by her family, abused and raped because she is gay – but is determined to be out and proud. The 42-year-old from Pakistan…

Global News

Added on: 12/03/2018
A childhood friendship between two women deepens into first love, passionate and consuming. But in a north London Orthodox Jewish community, it is illicit, an abomination, against the…

Global News

Added on: 12/01/2018
Kosta Karakashyan is a talented artist devoted to social justice and LGBT rights. The New York choreographer is fighting for the vulnerable in the hostile region of…

Global News

Added on: 11/30/2018
A gay rugby player who is facing deportation to Kenya, where he says he will be persecuted because of his sexuality, has been granted bail allowing him to…

Global News

Added on: 11/30/2018
Navid Jafartash fled Iran in 2014 because he feared for his life: He is gay, and homosexuality is illegal in Iran and in some cases punishable by death….

Global News

Added on: 11/30/2018
Russia and some former Soviet Union countries risk developing out-of-control HIV epidemics, experts said on Wednesday, after data showed a record number of new cases last year….

Global News

Added on: 11/29/2018
Police in Russia reportedly confiscated 17 pictures painted by school kids for a UN “International Day of Tolerance,” one of which showed people of the same sex together. Police…

Global News

Added on: 11/28/2018
Zimbabwean referee Raymond Mashamba, 30, knew from the time he was 14-years-old that he was gay but managed to keep his sexuality a secret because of societal…

Global News

Added on: 11/28/2018
The Prime Minister visited Belfast, Northern Ireland, on Tuesday as part of a UK-wide charm offensive in order to win support for her Brexit deal. However, her…

Global News

Added on: 11/28/2018
A gay man is speaking out after suffering torture in a Chechnya concentration camp. Maxim Lapunov was one of the first victims of the ‘gay purge‘ in…

Global News

Added on: 11/27/2018
The European Court of Human Rights issued a fresh rebuke to the Kremlin on Tuesday, ruling that Russia’s continued ban on LGBT rallies is discriminatory and represents…

Global News

Added on: 11/27/2018
It’s a warm afternoon in St. Petersburg, a crowd of shoppers fills the streets of Nevskiy Prospekt, the city’s main shopping street. None of the passersby seem…

Global News

Added on: 11/25/2018
Rugby players from across the globe rallied behind hate-crime victim Gareth Thomas as part of the Rainbow Laces campaign. World champions New Zealand and USA followed the…

Global News

Added on: 11/25/2018
Coming out can be challenging for young people across the globe – but in Italy many young Catholics are struggling with negative attitudes from both their communities…

Global News

Added on: 11/24/2018
The NHS has been accused of treating the health needs of gay, transgender and other LGBT+ people as “less important” than the wider population by the head of parliament’s Women and Equalities Committee. After receiving evidence…

Global News

Added on: 11/23/2018
Turkish LGBT rights organisation Kaos GL said on Wednesday that Turkey’s Directorate of Religious Affairs had used hate speech against LGBT people while answering questions on homosexuality on Turkey’s official…

Global News

Added on: 11/23/2018
The civil society association called “Rainbow Families”, which brings together LGBTIQ activists, called on Tuesday on member of the Croatian parliament to amend the final foster care…

Global News

Added on: 11/21/2018
An English rugby team is fighting to save a gay teammate from being deported to Kenya, where they fear he will face persecution or imprisonment. Kenneth Macharia, who…

Global News

Added on: 11/20/2018
A prominent Russian lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) support group had to cancel an annual Inclusive Family conference in Moscow after homophobic threats and an attack with pepper…

Global News

Added on: 11/19/2018
Websites like Church Militant, LifeSite News and the Lepanto Institute are ratcheting up the rhetoric with personal attacks on supporters of gay Catholics.  The call for action against…

Global News

Added on: 11/19/2018
Far-right militants in Ukraine have disrupted a march by transgender activists in the capital Kiev. Reports say two young women were attacked and mocked as they received…

Global News

Added on: 11/16/2018
Denmark is withholding 65m krone (£7.5m; $9.8m) in aid to Tanzania after “unacceptable homophobic comments” from a senior politician, a minister says. Development Minister Ulla Tornaes did…

Global News

Added on: 11/15/2018
Staff and students at the University of Birmingham have warned that LGBT rights are not adequately protected at its new campus in Dubai where being gay or transgender risks imprisonment, flogging…

Global News

Added on: 11/15/2018
New research has shown that more than three-quarters of LGBT+ young people have disclosed that anti-LGBT+ bullying is a major source of anxiety in their lives. The new…

Global News

Added on: 11/14/2018
An ITV News investigation has exposed gay conversion therapy taking place in UK churches, with one pastor comparing society’s acceptance of LGBT+ people to Nazi propaganda. The broadcaster also…

Global News

Added on: 11/14/2018
Polish president Andrzej Duda has said he would consider issuing a Russian-style “gay propaganda” law that would ban LGBTQ media, literature, and gatherings like Pride. The authoritarian leader told…

Global News

Added on: 11/13/2018
A ‘gay pride’ poppy decorated with LGBT rainbow colours has divided opinion after being shared by Doncaster Pride on Remembrance Sunday. The organisation shared the image –…

Global News

Added on: 11/13/2018
The campers, some clad in combat fatigues, carefully aim their assault rifles. Their instructor offers advice: Don’t think of your target as a human being. So when…