Costa Rica

Global News

Added on: 07/03/2024
Thousands of Costa Ricans marched through the streets of San José for Pride 2024. Participants walked along Paseo Colón in defense of the rights of the LGBT…

Global News

Added on: 01/02/2024
Latin American and the Caribbean didn’t see quite the dynamic changes that came in 2022, when three countries decriminalized gay sex and one legalized same-sex marriage. But…

Global News

Added on: 12/28/2023
SÃO PAULO – Catholic members of LGBT+ communities in Latin America have welcomed a new Vatican declaration on the possibility of blessings for same-sex couples, including in…

Global News

Added on: 11/20/2022
Fabu Olmedo is so nervous about clubs and restaurants in Paraguay that before a night out she often contacts one to make sure that she’ll be let…

Global News

Added on: 07/23/2022
Same-sex couples will be able to adopt from now on without any prejudice since a family court and the Patronato Nacional de la Infancia (PANI) – which…

Global News

Added on: 03/20/2022
Paloma Vazquez envisioned a new start in Houston. After immigrating from Honduras to escape transphobic violence just six months prior, the 29-year-old was ready to move into…

Global News

Added on: 12/30/2021
Seven out of ten people in the LGBITQ+ community consider the lack of family support as the main problem they face, according to the National Survey on Sexual Diversity (ENDS) conducted,…

Global News

Added on: 12/24/2021
In response to an openDemocracy investigation into anti-gay ‘conversion therapy’ in Costa Rica, the country’s professional association of psychologists – the Colegio de Profesionales en Psicología de…

World Voices

Added on: 10/08/2020
Iván Lopez-Justiniano
Alturi Contributor
Listen to this interview in Spanish or read the translated transcription in English.   How did you get involved in activism? I started doing activism work…

Global News

Added on: 07/02/2020
Following the legalization of equal marriage, Costa Rica now offers same-sex couples the opportunity for joint adoption and guarantees the rights of children from homo-parental families. On…

Global News

Added on: 06/04/2020
Costa Rica became the first Central American country to allow same-sex marriage on May 26. This is no small political feat in a country where the issue…

Global News

Added on: 06/03/2020
82 same-sex couples have joined their lives and hope that their marriages in the country will be registered very soon. This is confirmed by data provided by…

Global News

Added on: 05/26/2020
Costa Rica legalized same-sex marriage on Tuesday, becoming the first Central American country to do so and sparking an emotional response from rights campaigners as the first…

Global News

Added on: 05/14/2020
Lawmakers and government officials in Costa Rica on Wednesday chided fellow politicians trying to delay a landmark gay marriage ruling from taking effect, an effort which ended…

Global News

Added on: 02/18/2020
Earlier this month, more than 30 businesses came out in support of extending marriage to same-sex couples in Costa Rica – from major multinationals such as Microsoft…

Global News

Added on: 11/30/2019
In a gathering in Bogota, Colombia on Nov. 19, 40 human rights lawyers from across Latin America launched an innovative “Red Litigio LGBT” – an LGBT Litigation…

Global News

Added on: 07/06/2019
Costa Rica’s education minister Edgar Mora resigned on Monday following protests against policies including his support for gender-neutral bathrooms, in a sign the cultural issues that dominated…

Global News

Added on: 06/24/2019
Tens of thousands of Costa Ricans celebrated gay pride on Sunday in the capital, San Jose, in the first such march since the country’s constitutional court promised…

Global News

Added on: 01/23/2019
A lesbian couple in Costa Rica is being sued by the state for their 2015 marriage. According to the lawsuit, their crime is ‘falsedad ideológica en perjuicio de la familia’ (ideological falsehood…

Global News

Added on: 12/22/2018
Costa Rica’s President Carlos Alvarado on Friday signed a number of decrees and norms granting various rights to the LGBT community. These measures will allow same-sex couples…

Global News

Added on: 11/21/2018
Costa Rica is poised to become the first Central American country to legalize same-sex marriage. On November 14, Costa Rica’s constitutional court formally ordered the country’s lawmakers…

Alturi Partner

Added on: 02/01/2018
REDLACTRANS leads the effort to truly know the extent of anti-transgender discrimination and violence across Central America. Their new report, exposes these human rights violations, and demands that Central…

Alturi Partner

Added on: 01/31/2018
Heartland Alliance’s Global Initiative for Sexuality and Human Rights (GISHR) stands behind activists who are improving the lives of LGBT persons — promoting their rights and protecting them…

Alturi Partner

Added on: 01/31/2018
The Astraea Lesbian Foundation For Justice is a multi-gendered, multi-racial, multi-identity organization that prioritizes and supports the leadership of women, transgender people, youth, and people of color….